Sunday, March 30, 2003

What is it that sets some of us down one road and others down another? Why is it that some people have more money than god and I have to be careful about what I spend? I'm a good person. Maybe not the most moral son-of-a-bitch you've ever met, but I've never killed anyone. Or even maimed anyone. And I've had the chance....

Monday, February 10, 2003

OK...things that irritate me #215

It irritates me to no end when I approach an intersection to make a left turn and there's a car in front of me that refuses to get out into the intersection to wait to make his turn. If he'd just get out there in the center, then I could get past the limit line and make the turn when the light changes also. But no...he hangs back at the limit line and roars through when the light turns red leaving me sitting there swearing at him for being an inconsiderate numbskull.

Thursday, January 16, 2003

Darn near two months without an entry. My life is either very interesting (leaving me no time to write about all the interesting things) or very boring (leaving me nothing to write about.) I'll let you decide.

At any rate, here's something: I was watching the noon news yesterday at work. KCAL 9 here in Southern California. The weather guy comes on to do his teaser and there's a short breakdown of up coming weather on the screen behind him. The first line is "Wind Advisory's". I damn near fell out of my chair. Isn't there some college educated person getting paid to make sure the weather person and the station don't look like idiots? I guess not, because they sure did.